Unit 12 Coordination and control Long Questions

Unit 12 Coordination and control Long Questions

Q.1 What do you mean by coordination? Explain its mechanism with examples.
Q.2 Name the types of coordination. Explain the components of a coordinated action in detail.
Q.3 (a) What do you know about human nervous system? (b) Explain neuron in detail
Q.4 Define nerve. Explain its types.
Q.5 Explain Central Nervous System (C.N.S) in detail.
Q.6 Explain Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) in detail.
Q.7 Define reflex action. Explain it with an example
Q.8 Describe structure and mechanism of function of human eye.
Q.9 Explain the disorders of Eye.
Q.10 What is the contribution of Muslim scientists in the discovery and cure of eye diseases?
Q.11 Explain the structure of human ear in detail. Describe its functioning in balancing of body.
Q.12 What is endocrine system. Describe important endocrine glands.
Q.13 What do you mean by feedback Mechanism? Explain.
Q.14 Explain the disorders of Nervous system.