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Belly Pain and its Symptoms

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Belly Pain and its Symptoms

Cramps before period are always compulsive for women who witness it in their period. It becomes the most annoying thing for women and has a negative effect on their quality of life. In factabout 70 of women have cramp before period and a many others witness cramps during and right after that time of the month. Still, not all women suffer from it.

What are cramps before period?
Painful period is the most popular complaint among ladiesespecially youthful grown-upsPeriod pain generally appears at lower belly or back zoneDepend on each existent, the pain change from mild to severe condition.
Cramps before period are divided into 2 types

Primary tummy cramps The pain generally starts one day before the period and lasts no further than 12 hours. This symptom is common in girls who first get period and lasts 2-3 times or further.
Secondary tummy cramps The pain starts several days before period or may also do during or after finishing the period. This frequently occurs in women of reproductive age

Each existent may witness different feeling about cramp before period. However, you may have
, If you suffer from menstrual cramps. –Sharp or dull pain in the tummy around the umbilical area or at hypogastric region
-Pain may radiate to the reverse
– Feeling of pressure on your bellylower reverse or shanks
. – Nauseapuking
. – Fatigue
– Headache or dizziness

What are the causes of cramps before period?
There are a lot of reasons which can lead to period cramps.
In case of primary tummy pain, the cause may be due to severe condensation of smooth muscles of uterus to push the bleeding out. These extreme condensation press against the blood vessel feeding the uterus, beget the lack of oxygen and starve portion which that vessel feeds. Therefore, it becomes pain and inflammation. Prostaglandins hormone which related to pain and inflammation is responsible for this compression. The changes in this hormone attention vary the condition of menstrual cramps. The further prostaglandins are buried, the worse your abdominal pain (1).
The cause of secondary tummy pain is substantially due to women suffering from some gynecological conditions similar as endometriosis, pelvic seditious complaint, uterine fibroids, adenomyosis and cervical stenosis.
Some ways to reduce cramps before period.

1. Hot Compress

To reduce pain in your tummy or lower backapplying heat similar as heat patchhotting path or hot water bottle on that areas. This is an excellent way to ease the pain endured by numerous womenWarm water will help the uterus contract more easily and ameliorate the blood inflow to the uterus, so the menstrual blood is pushed out more fluently and women will feel comfortableAccording to a study in 2012, heat patch containing iron chip had a analogous analgesic effect to ibuprofen for pain control in primary tummy cramps (2).

2. Puffing with essential canvases

Massage curatives by applying gentle pressure on abdomen skin and pressing specific points work well to ease menstrual pain. The light massage will help the abdominal muscles to not contract suddenly which will effectively palliate the pain of menstrual cramp. Thuswomen should blarney gently and frequently at the lower tummy during period.

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We can add some certain sweet essential canvases similar as lavender, clary savantrose, and marjoram to raise benefit of massage. A study in 2012 in Taiwan showed that the women group overpraised with essential canvases reported less pain and reduce the duration of pain in the period compared to the other group overpraised with synthetic scent (3).

3. Gusto

Gusto root is considered as a traditional drug. Its element contains anti-inflammatory substances and inhibits the process of prostaglandins conflation so it can help ease the tummy pain. It was recommended that about 750-2000 mg gusto had a positive effect to control pain during the first 3 to 4 day of menstrual cycle.
We can use the gusto root alone by crushing it or cutting it into pieces and also rub them on the tummy in 5 to 7 twinkles. In addition, we also use it combined with other good natural constituents to enhance the effectiveness of pain relief like vitamin B6, B3, valerian and so on.

4. Avoid contact with cold during perio

Keep body warm before, during and after period. You shouldn’t swimbath with cold water, drink cold water or work where the air exertion is too cold because this stimulates the uterus to contract and beget severe pain.

5. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea contains some substances that help to calm muscle spasm, so it’s perfect to reduce condensation of the uterus and palliate cramping pain.
How to use
– Put a chamomile tea bag into a mug and pour hot water into it
– Cover that mug and stay for 5-10 twinkles to adulterate tea
Add some honey to increase flavor if you like
-To get effectivenessdrink this tea all week before your period begins

6. Maintain a healthy diet

Maintain a healthy diet and regular exercises help to help tummy cramps in each period. A good diet for easing the pain includes food that’s rich in protein, fiber, and vegetables, similar as multivitamin in papaya, vitamin B6 in brown rice, vitamin E in olive canvas and broccoli, omega-3 in flaxseed and so on.
Supplementing minerals is also important to reduce the pain. You can find them in some foods or fruits like avocado, chickpeas, bananas, and prunes.
Drinking plenitude of water is essential to help dehumidification which can beget bloating and make the pain worse. You should keep drinking1.5 to 2 liters water, original to 6 to 8 spectacles of water each day.
Women should drink further milk, eat further yogurt to reduce the threat of dysmenorrhea. Current studies show that women who take 1200 mg of calcium per day are about 30 less likely to witness dysmenorrhea than those who only take 500 mg of calcium per day.

7. Keep hygiene

This is a necessary thingespecially during period because if women don’t pay attention to clean genital area, bacteria or other dangerous agents fluently to enter and beget seditious conditionsEither, to effectively reduce dysmenorrhea, women should hesitate from coitus these days.

8. Reduce stress

The stylish way to relieve dysmenorrhea you need to try is to keep your mind at rest, to keep your mood in harmonylimited by the pressures from the terrainwork, and family.

9. Yoga

Yoga intervention is also an effective way to help women combat the pain of menstrual cramps. Some specific positions are recommended. You can kneel, bend your knee and sit on your heels, also lower your bodies until your facades touch the groundmaintaining this movement until you feel the most comfortable.

10. Acupuncture

traditional system like acupuncture can help lessen the menstrual pain. It was done by fitting the thin needles into some specific points on the body.

11. Specifics

Still, you should see the primary croaker or specialized croakers to be specified pain relief medicines, If none of below styles is effective.
Some medicines you may be recommended to use by croakers
-Over the counter medicines Non steroidalanti-inflammatory specificsincluding ibuprofen, aspirin … are used the most common to ease stomach cramps. Always keep 1 to 2 tablets beside you at work or academy in case you need it. Still, this NSAIDs group have some side goods and the most prominent thing is to beget a gastrointestinal ulcer and bleeding. Therefore you should ask your croaker to get right tradition and in case you have some gastrointestinal problems. However, acetaminophen is a good choice to take to reduce the pain, If you can’t take NSAIDs.

Birth control capsules If your tummy pain isn’t controlled by the below styles, the croaker can check your hormone position and define birth control capsules. These tablets inhibit the ovulation and palliate the period pain. Remember that you should tell your croaker the comprehensive picture about your medical history, from that your croaker can give the stylish treatment for you.
-Surgery If the tummy pain is caused by the pathological conditions like endometriosis, pelvic seditious complaint, uterine fibroids …, surgery is essential to fix the problem and ease the pain.

In conclusionutmost of the camps before period are normal and are resolved or reduced by above several stylesStill, in some cases, the pain can be an abnormal incarnation of pathology, women should see their croaker to determine their exact problems.

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