Picnic Party

A Picnic Party

“PICNIC PARTY” Cowper Said: “What peaceful hours I once enjoyed! How sweet their memory still” In this modern age, we remain busy day and night like a machine. Our minds are all the time pre occupied with the worries and responsibilities of everyday life. We are unable to understand the need of pleasure in human […]

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My Aim in Life / Doctor

My Aim in Life / Doctor

” MY AIM IN LIFE / DOCTOR” “Hitch your wagon to a star.” (Emerson) An ambition is a guiding star in our life. It stimulates our courage, energy and enthusiasm. Without ambition, life becomes dull, drab and boring. Those who have no definite aim in their lives cannot rise in life. “Aim is as important […]

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Blessing of Science

Blessing of Science

“BLESSINGS OF SCIENCE” Just about 6,000 years ago, men lived in a cave. He dressed himself in skins. He fed himself by hunting and fishing. He had to make with his own hands everything he needed: He went long distances on his own legs. His world was narrow, dark, difficult and dangerous. Modern man lives […]

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Aim to become Software Engineer

Aim to become Software Engineer

“MY AIM IN LIFE / SOFTWARE ENGINEER” Technology is the greatest achievement of mankind. It has constantly been evolving, each time making us a more advanced species. Children from a very small age are frequently using electronic gadgets. They play, explore and know every single working operation of their favourite phones and laptops. So naturally, […]

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My Hero in a History

“Greatness be nothing unless it be lasting” (Napoleon) Hero is a man of sky high personality with an exemplary character, distinctive deeds and ingenious ideas. He must be a man of exceptional qualities of heart and mind, unparalleled vigor, matchless genius and unique talent. He must possess the charismatic qualities of an inspiring leader to […]

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My First Day at College

“MY FIRST DAY AT COLLEGE” “What peaceful hours, I once enjoyed! How sweet their memory still!” Sweet memories are like the sweet smelling flowers strewn on the strenuous path of life. They change life into a bloomy and balmy garden. In the store house of my college memories, enriched with many pearls and pebbles, the […]

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Biographical Essays

Biographical Essays

Essay on Television Television is a wonderful invention of modern age. It has revolutionized the entire society and brought many changes in our social life. It was introduced in Pakistan in 1964 at Lahore .Television plays an important role in national life as it affects the ideas and behavior of all kinds of people. Television […]

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General Essay

General Essay

Essay on Rising Prices/Price Hike Price hike is defined as the percentage of increase in goods and services cost. If the cost of an object is hiked by five percent, it means that the object costs five percent more than its previous price. LONG AND SHORT ESSAY ON RISING PRICES OR PRICE HIKE IN ENGLISH Below […]

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