My Favourite Personality

My Favourite Personality

My Favourite Personality/ The Quaid-e-Azam

“Great minds discuss ideas, Average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people”

History is determined by great men. Great men are not born daily. Humanity has to wait for centuries. Great men are found all over the world. But I am charmed by the towering personality of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He is the founder of Pakistan. He is the bright star of the history of Pakistan. He gave a new course to the Indian history. He brought a peaceful revolution and established Pakistan for us

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born in Karachi on December 25, 1876. His father – Poonjah Jinnah was a trader. He got elementary education from a local Maktab. At the age of 16, – he passed the Matriculation examination. Then he proceeded to England for higher studies.

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There he distinguished himself as a keen and bright student. He qualified from the Lincoln’s Inn as a brilliant Barrister and returned home. He started practice, as a lawyer first in Karachi and then in Bombay. Soon, he became a very famous lawyer of India.

“A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”

In 1906, he joined the Indian National Congress. He was an ardent supporter of the Hindu Muslim unity. Ehen he realized that by freedom, the Hindu meant ‘Hindu Raj’ he was greatly disappointed. Therefore, he left the congress and joined the All India Muslim League in 1913. He became the president of the Muslim League in 1934. In the Annual Session of the Muslim League in Lahore in 1940, the Pakistan Resolution was passed. Then he began to make untiring efforts for a separate homeland for the Muslims. The odds were against him.

The Hindus, the British and a Section of the Muslims were against him. But he grappled with every problem. His aim was high. He soared like an eagle. He organized the party. The Muslims rallied rõund him The hostile forces had to retreat. His efforts before fruit and Pakistan emerged on the map of the world on the August 14, 1947. It was the day of his triumph. He became its first Governor General. But he could not make Pakistan as strong as he had dreamt because he died on September 11, 1948.

“You can do anything if you have enthusiasm”

Quaid-e-Azam was a weak and thin person. He had a dignified personality. He was a shrewd politician. He quickly perceived the evil designs of the Hindus and the British. He is guiding star for the Pakistanis. He always sad “Work, work and work” and he himself acted upon it. He believed in “Unity, Faith and Discipline”. He is our national hero.