Inviting your friend to your birthday

Inviting your friend to your birthday

Inviting your friend to your birthday

Your Address,

Dear Friend,
How are you today? Do you know why the 20th of September is special for me? Not? recall where you were on the 20th of September last year. You with me here at my house for my birthday celebrations. So, I cordially invite you to my birthday party to be held on the 20th of September. There are 15 days left. You must arrange your camera, your dresses and other things. If you cannot come in any case, please inform me earlier so that I may arrange a good camera from any friend.

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But I had a strong desire that you come and join me on this happy occasion. Ahmad, Usman, and Talha are also coming. They had a wonderful plan this time. Your participation is mandatory. I hope you are free after your Intermediate exams and the college has not yet open. So, we are all waiting for your positive response.

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