Write a letter to your friend about

Write a letter to your friend about

English Personal Letters

Write a letter to your friend about the marriage ceremony of your sister

This is a sample letter written to a friend for the invitation purpose. In real life, you may follow this pattern but write the letter in your own contexts.

Letter to friend
Your Adress,
Your City Name.
Date: the date of the letter

Dear Friend,

How are you? I hope you will be keeping a sound health. I am fine here with the grace of God. I am writing to you to invite you to my sister’s marriage ceremony. Yes you read it right. Hina is going to be married on the 21st of this month. I know this will be utterly surprising news for you, but let me explain the reasons.

The marriage ceremony of my elder sister Hina is fixed on the 21st of this month. We have to do this suddenly when my Uncle Riaz informed us that he plans to come to Pakistan along with his family. He will be visiting Pakistan for 10 days only. You know he runs a business there and there will be peak season for his business from next month. So, he will be busy for the next 8 months.

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My Uncle holds a special place in my family you know. We don’t make any important decisions without his consultation. His presence in the ceremony matters to us a lot. So, we have decided to arrange the marriage in the days when my Uncle is in Pakistan. It will be good to have all the family gathered at the event.

Hina’s fiance has already given his consent to the marriage date. So, all is set up and I am busy in inviting all my friends to the ceremony. I have invited all our best friends. Please reach here 2 days earlier the marriage date so that we all may make plans.

Write me back to confirm your participation and the date of arrival. Anxiously waiting for your reply!

Your Friend,

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