A letter of apology to a friend

A letter of apology to a friend

English Informal Letters

A letter of apology to a friend with whom you had a recent quarrel.

Abc House,
A-Block, Model Town,
April 15, 2021

My dear Ali,
I must begin my letter with the words of apology. I feel I was so rude to you during our last meeting at Zia’s marriage party. I have been thinking of it all these days and I want to assure you that I am really sorry for what happened.

I had, in fact, no wish to offend you. It was all due to misunderstanding. I gave false meanings to what you said. You were actually talking about something else. It was Kamran’s roared laughter which made me cut to the quick. So I became cross with you and gave you a bit of my mind. I now feel I should not have done so.

Read Also: Letter to your father giving reasons

Please accept my apology in good faith for old times’ sake. I do not want to lose you. Please write back to me at once to say that you have pardoned me. I am waiting for your reply.
With kindest wishes,

Yours sincerely,

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