Past Papers

Past Papers has given the facility to students of all levels of study that they can get and study all kinds of past papers by visiting the past papers section on Past papers for matric and inter examinations, for graduation level and also for university-level are available for the help of students. Students […]

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Aim to become Software Engineer

Aim to become Software Engineer

“MY AIM IN LIFE / SOFTWARE ENGINEER” Technology is the greatest achievement of mankind. It has constantly been evolving, each time making us a more advanced species. Children from a very small age are frequently using electronic gadgets. They play, explore and know every single working operation of their favourite phones and laptops. So naturally, […]

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Blessing of science

Blessing of Science

“BLESSINGS OF SCIENCE” Just about 6,000 years ago, men lived in a cave. He dressed himself in skins. He fed himself by hunting and fishing. He had to make with his own hands everything he needed: He went long distances on his own legs. His world was narrow, dark, difficult and dangerous. Modern man lives […]

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“CO-EDUCATION” The trend of co-education us getting more and more popular amongst the country like Pakistan and India, mainly in Sub continent, it is already very much common in the western world but now it is being adopted all over the world. The education system comprising of co-education system has many pros and cons, which […]

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“DEMOCRACY” Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Thus democracy is a public kind of government. All the classes of people from a layman to a lord take part in democracy. That is why this form of government is widely […]

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Essay on Computer

Essay on Computer

Essay on Computer “ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF COMPUTER” We are breathing in an era of revolutions. New ideals theories and inventions hit the head-lines in the newspapers. Computers, now-a-days have become part of our daily background. News papers, magazines we read, have been typed by computers, the bills we pay are prepared on computers; and […]

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Essay on Electricity Crisis

Essay on Electricity Crisis

“ELECTRICITY CRISIS” Electricity crisis in Pakistan are one of the major reasons which are hindering the economic growth of Pakistan. Unavailability of power is affecting directly or in directly on every sector of life. Making people feel frustrated as well as helpless. The load shedding span has mounted to almost 12 hours a day to […]

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