Write a letter to your father

Write a letter to your father

Write a letter to your father explaining the cause of your bad report.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
December 04, 2021

Dear father,

I received your letter yesterday. I am grieved to learn that my poor report has hurt you all. I wish I could fly to you and beg your forgiveness. I confess my fault with shame. I had to attend my hockey practice sessions. Meanwhile, I had joined the company of some bad guys. My bad report has opened my eyes. Now I have left the bad company and all extra engagements.

Read also: Write a letter to your son

I have started work in right earnest. I am now working day and night. Kindly be assured that I shall soon be worthy of your love. I hope you will all forget my past neglect.

Thanking you,
Your loving son,

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