Letter to friend to lend you his watch

Letter to friend to lend you his watch

English Personal Letters

Letter to friend to lend you his watch

House No. 00,
A, Block, Johar Town,
July 15, 2021

My Dear Asad,

My examinations are going to start on the 15th of this month. You know I had lost my watch in Ali’s marriage ceremony. I could not buy a new one due to financial restraints. Now I have no watch. It will be very difficult for me to do without a watch during the examination days.

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I tried to borrow the watch of my cousin but that was out of order. I cannot buy a new watch so urgent. Kindly lend me your watch for a week. I shall return it to you as soon as my exams are over. Please send it by Fatima when she visits your home on Friday instant.

Thanking you in anticipation,
Ahmad Raza

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