English Essays


Essay on Importance of English in Pakistan is the popular topic in the school function so here for what you are looking for. English is one of the most common and highly spoken languages of the world and at the same time is considered to be the official language of the world including Pakistan. Although the national language of Pakistan is Urdu but still English is very much significant and carries immense weightage and importance in Pakistan. In the modern and advanced countries English is being frequently used as the most common and highly opted mode of communication and that is why it is very much important for the people of Pakistan to get good grip over this language so that the communication barrier which is being present between the developed countries and Pakistan can be overcome and this language can play the vital role in becoming the liaison which will contribute in the development of Pakistan.

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The education all over the world is being mainly conducted in the English language and in the countries like USA and UK which are considered to be one of the most developed countries of the world also have English as the official language so if Pakistan has the intention of walking side by side to such advanced countries they will have to enhance their expertise in the English language so that they can best utilize this opportunity. The urgency and need of developing the willingness of having the good grip over the English language can be determined through the focus of the educational boards in Pakistan which are heavily emphasizing on the English medium education imparted on all the government and private sectors. The educational institutions have realized the need and the importance of the English language and for this very purpose they have inculcated the mode of education in the English language so that the children can have good firm basis regarding this language from the initial stage of their life.

English is very much necessary for the people of Pakistan, it is not just for their personal grooming but at the same time it is one of their most crucial and critical need for the development and growth. If Pakistan is interested in getting in to the trade with the western countries for advanced technology, mechanics, information technology and other aspects they need to first get to know the language in which the dealing and negotiation will take place because if the communication barrier is not removed than no advancement and no advantage will be taken from all such dealings and negotiations and at the same time it is also being assumed as the shame for the national people if the officials and the representations of the state are unable to communicate on any international media with any international personality and feels hesitant in using this language. Ornamental approach towards the acquiring of the English language should be adopted as it is one of the national issues faced by the people of Pakistan.