Application to principal for having the permission of college match

Application to principal for having

Applications English

Application to principal for having the permission of college match

The Principal,
College name,

Subject: Permission for a friendly cricket match

We, the members of our college cricket team, want to play a friendly cricket match against the cricket team of Punjab College. We just free after our send-up exams. We want to bring to your attention that we had lost inter-collegiate tournament last year due to lack of practice. Our team coach is focusing on practice and friendly matches with other colleges. We are an emerging cricket team. As our college enjoys a great reputation in academic activities, we want to win the fame for our college in sports too.

Read also: Application to principal for fee concession

We request you to grant us permission for a friendly cricket match at our college playground on January 3, 2019. There is no place better than our own college playground for a good cricket match. Our team coach has given his consent in this regard. The permission letter from our team coach has been attached herewith.

We shall be very thankful to you if you grant us permission for the match. Friendly matches with other colleges will give a lot of practice and boast up our morale.

Your obediently,
The captain of college team,
College name

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